Best of Poster Design (Design Cube Series)
700 Illustrations
The poster is an essential medium when it comes to communicate an issue, promote a product, or announce special events like concerts, exhibitions, parties or theatre productions. Posters also play an important part during elections and political campaigns.
Besides, posters can also be used (and are frequently used) solely for decorative purposes. Whatever function they serve, they are meant to be displayed and seen.
Today, posters are an integral element of the modern cityscape and this particular medium is now widely accepted as an art form.
Typically, a poster combines textual and graphic elements. Its design should be functional and clear. The focus lies on communicating a message and the entire design revolves around this purpose. Naturally, with hundreds of thousands of posters being produced every year, there is always a need for new ways and fresh approaches. This is what makes a compilation like this so valuable. It showcases the many different ways to solve this task.
For this compilation we have chosen some of the most remarkable and original designs from all over the world. The result is an inspiring collection of graphic design at its best.